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I'm Not a Fan of Side-Scrolling Streaming Apps
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I'm Not a Fan of Side-Scrolling Streaming Apps
As the title states, I don't dig streaming apps that have side scrolling, which is pretty much all of them at this point.  Some people may know this better as horizontal scrolling.  And if you're still not clear as to what I'm talking about, I'm talking about those specific rows of movies you see on HBO, Netflix and Hulu where you keep having to scroll sideways to see more.

My biggest complaint is that it takes forever looking at them this way.  You can only see 5 or so at a time, and then you have to scroll over to load 5 more, and so on.  It would be much better if the whole page (instead of one tiny row) was filled with movies and you could just scroll down to load more.

There's other issues with this too.  Have you ever noticed they'll have a row for way too specifc of genres?  Examples:Late Night Comedies, Cult Comedies, Stoner Comedies, Family Comedies, Romantic Comedies, 80's Comedies, 90's comedies.  (Fwiw, this happens with every genre)

So now you have 5 different rows of comedies you have to scroll through instead of one simple comedy section.  I don't always know what I want to watch.  I may be in the mood for a cult comedy as much as I am a family comedy.  I just know I want to watch something funny.  Same goes for drama, thrillers, or horror.  And what makes this even more frustrating is a lot of the same movies will be in different rows.  Like, you'll go down to another row, say family comedy, and see Jumanji for the 3rd time on the app.

Even better is when they shoe-horn in movies that don't even belong in the genre.  I come across movies all of the time that are misplaced.  If you go to HBO right now you'll see "Freddy's Dead" (Nightmare on Elm Street) in the comedy section.  "The Craft" is too.  I saw "Boggie Nights" on there the other month.  These aren't comedies!

Is this the end of the world?  No, but it is annoying.  It feels like a chore to sit down and find a movie to watch.  And it's perfectly clear why they do this; it's to make their library appear larger than it is.  If you don't remember, it didn't used to always be this way.  Netflix used to be much more user friendly, and it's sucked ever since they made the change.  And of course everyone does it now.

Just wanted to complain (I realize I do that a lot on here).  Just curious if others hate they layout as much as I do.

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I'm Not a Fan of Side-Scrolling Streaming Apps - Wes Mantooth - 07-05-2021, 12:14 PM

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