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Joey B full go at training camp
(07-26-2021, 09:17 PM)Nicomo Cosca Wrote: He shouldn’t have needed a PS to know that shovel pass was ill advised. He also said himself that a high schooler could hit that deep ball to AJ that he missed. I guess you can try and argue a handful of snaps in some exhibition games would have helped, but considering he didn’t clean up the issues with the deep ball in the rest of the 9+ games he played I don’t really buy it.

To me it was all the other stuff he missed that was more important. Not the vanilla offense most teams practice in PS games.

Anyway, it sounds like he’s not playing in any this year either, and I for one think it’s the right decision. If he’s rusty week 1 so be it. Rushing him back into meaningless action is the last thing I want to see. We should be thinking long term here considering who the player is.

I'm not saying pre-season cures all ills, but when a guy isn't aces on gameday 1 it's harder to dismiss the value of any sort of practice.  Palmer played in the pre-season after his knee injury, so I'm not sure why we are taking the cautious take this time around.  It just seems to fly in the face of our narrative that Burrow is the ultimate competitor and is fearless and so on and so forth.

At any rate, I feel like I'm in a bit of a no-win situation here.  If I say we should sit Burrow the entire 4 weeks of pre-season it sounds like I'm treating our badass swaggalicious QB like a newborn kitten, but if I say to throw him out there I'm saying he needs practice and won't be ready and it's worth risking his long-term health on meaningless games where our lame brained coaches are probably going to be running the 4 plays from the Tecmo Bowl playbook (and I don't even mean the Tecmo Super Bowl playbook that has like...8 plays).
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Messages In This Thread
Joey B full go at training camp - pally - 07-26-2021, 12:56 PM
RE: Joey B full go at training camp - Nately120 - 07-26-2021, 10:11 PM
RE: Joey B full go at training camp - J24 - 07-26-2021, 09:25 PM

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