08-23-2021, 03:38 PM
(08-23-2021, 03:27 PM)George Cantstandya Wrote: I got kind of curious just to see when you started talking about Sewell in 2019. I couldn't find any posts from 2019 from you with the keyword Sewell, the first post I found was June 2020. Maybe I'm just not using the search feature right. But I did find this predication which came true.
Isn’t it crazy that people can actually be open to having their mind changed? Like I said, I was all about the Sewell hype (way before the “Civil War” stuff started), but I just saw too many good arguments about the value of an elite WR over a single elite OT (look up the WAR for the top guys at each position if you don’t believe me). And I agreed that there would some great options for us in the 2nd at OL (which there were).
I said all along, I would have been more than happy had we taken Sewell (or Pitts had he been there), but I got stuck defending taking Chase because of all of the pushback from the OL or bust crowd. Once I heard that Burrow wanted Chase (and he’s the one that has to go out there and play behind our OL), it was a wrap.