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Starting to think the NFL is rigged
(11-01-2021, 08:57 PM)Chip Smallwood Wrote: lol…y’all are wild.

It’s a big rigged conspiracy featuring thousands of willing participants that have all magically kept their mouth perfectly shut about it for decades. Because the Bengals lost to the Jets.

Explain the "Patriots" winning the SB after 9/11. The Saints winning the SB after Katrina, The Broncos winning the SB when Peyton said he was retiring, the Ravens winning the SB when Ray Lewis said he was retiring....I'm taking a wild guess that the Packers will win the SB this season with it being Rodgers last year in GB..

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RE: Starting to think the NFL is rigged - Trademark - 11-02-2021, 02:38 AM

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