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Rest of the schedule looks brutal
Tbh, I'd say it's only a tough schedule because of who WE are, rather than that really being brutal. Not to say it's an easy run either. If the Bengals were playing well, I wouldn't say there's a single one of those games we'd have no chance in. If we play like we were in the first 7 games (minus Chicago), we'd have every chance in each of those. Ravens are tough, Steelers are too but they aren't what they have been for most of the last 15 years. Chiefs look down on their last 3 seasons. 49ers aren't amazing. Chargers can be good, but can also be ropey. Browns seemingly permanently underwhelm (we'll ignore today...). Broncos I don't think are a great team. Raiders going through instability with the coaching/Ruggs situations.

IF the Bengals were a normal franchise, that's not a terrifying schedule. Even if we were an 8-8 type team, I wouldn't be looking at that as brutal. But if we play like the past 2 games, we'll lose every single one of those games. We also ARE the Bengals, and we know for sure none of those teams are scared of us.

Messages In This Thread
Rest of the schedule looks brutal - bjf123 - 11-07-2021, 07:40 PM
RE: Rest of the schedule looks brutal - TheCincinnatiKid - 11-07-2021, 08:09 PM
Rest of the schedule looks brutal - bjf123 - 11-07-2021, 08:30 PM

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