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What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions
So I re-upped my Final Fantasy XIV account a couple days ago. I’m stoked for the expansion coming in December, and figured I’d get started on catching up to current content. Having quit a year and a half ago, I am a bit disappointed I haven’t had that much to actually GET CAUGHT UP ON. A shit ton of storyline and cutscenes and so far only a couple “new” (to me) dungeons and raids. I feel like there should have been more. I enjoyed the story for Shadowbringers, and I’m enjoying how they are transitioning the story back to where it was pre-Shadowbringers. But I just feel like there should be MORE. Maybe its just me and having unrealistic expectations, I dunno.
Through any mmorpg I’ve played, when an expansion is on the horizon, I like to pick a new class to “main” for that expansion. I started FFXIV 2.0 as a Black Mage, turned Scholar heals for Heavensward, Astrologian heals for Stormblood, then I tanked with all three tank classes for Shadowbringers. Gunbreaker being my favorite of the three. Now I’m gearing up Machinist (gun ranged dps) ahead of Endwalker and its been a lot of fun!

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What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions - The D.O.Z. - 11-17-2021, 06:46 PM

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