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Time Travel/Loop or Alternate Reality Movies
(01-12-2022, 09:09 AM)WiregrassBenGal Wrote: How big of a BTTF geek am I? At the last true bricks-and-mortar job I had, there was this guy who also worked there and was an even bigger BTTF geek. We would spontaneously act out scenes from the movie, usually bewildering everyone around us. For example, he would come in the mailroom and say, "Lorraine, were you ever in a situation where you knew you had to act a certain way, and when it happened you knew you couldn't go through with it?" and we'd launch into that scene.

Yes, BTTF is a cinematic masterpiece, so much so that it is immune from being remade/rebooted/rehashed or whatever. It annoys me when people complain about 2 being too convoluted and basically just a trailer for 3. Nope. It goes into the Twilight Zone aspects of time travel quite brilliantly. And 3 is just a lot of fun, with perfect casting of all those old TV western scrubs and Mary Steenburgen as Clara.

So why don't you just make like a tree and get out?


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RE: Time Travel/Loop or Alternate Reality Movies - Interceptor - 01-12-2022, 09:56 AM

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