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Trying to stay away from any NFL talk for a while
They had a chance for glory and it got away. They are not the first or last team to experience this.

In the end what separates winning and losing is very little. The league is set up for parity and equality not dominance. Talent yes but more important imo is calling the right play at the right time. The scheme and game plan.

There was nothing in Taylor’s scheme and game plan that showed me he has a “system” or as an
Offensive mind can our coach another teams defense

They got here primarily because of burrows shear talent and amaruno from a technical And scheme level willing his defense to get bette as the year and games went on

So those saying they will win multiple times in the coming years should look at Marino and even mahomes luck has more to do with it
They way this quarterback has been beat up nothing is guaranteed

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RE: Trying to stay away from any NFL talk for a while - Oasis5055 - 02-14-2022, 01:44 PM

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