03-23-2022, 11:10 PM
(03-23-2022, 10:09 PM)Go Cards Wrote: Hey thanks a lot for turning me on to Blacktop Mojo really like their sound and hope to catch them live.
Think you would like Marcus King and would start out with "Virginia" and "The Well" which has now become the NASCAR theme song with lyrics changed. Really don't watch much racing but was notified quickly by friends that do because I post him so much on FB.
He is starting to play more love songs since he got with this hot chick but make no mistake about it he is one of the best guitar players on the planet.
Also think you would like Cristone kingfish Ingram too and would start with "662". Both these youngsters can slay the guitar
Rival Sons check out "Do Your Worst" "Too Bad" "Open My Eyes" and "Electric Man"
Once again thanks so much for telling me about BTM, "It Won't Last" is fire and hope they do many more originals with this sound.
Yes sir. We need to start a thread in the Entertainment forum or just PM each other on our music Go Cards.
Haven't been able to check out your guys in Marcus King, Rival Sons yet and will check out Cristone Kingfish Ingram.
Glad you liked Blacktop Mojo, really like these guys and think they might be former military, very talented.
Another Band that is older I always liked that reminds me of BTM is Blackstone Cherry, but they have been around.