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Breaking: Carman rape accusation at Clemson
(04-29-2022, 07:50 PM)pally Wrote: Easier said than done when you are already not in a position of power like a 15 year black girl in South Carolina.  And it is even easier to say when you are not in the victim's situation.  Even now women have to jump through hoops to show they were raped especially if they weren't left bleeding, battered and bruised.  

Things haven't changed so much since 1978.  Not in a football town when you are talking about football players

Right, well I'm not saying you have to rush to the police station right away but just seems extremely suspect when you come forward around the draft two years after the alleged incident occurred. Your argument is more understandable to me if she did it right after the season and it no longer affects the team's national championship run so she feels safer. Coming out around draft time still tarnishes the schools legacy though, so why wait those 4 months?

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RE: Breaking: Carman rape accusation at Clemson - Esc33 - 04-29-2022, 08:10 PM

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