04-30-2022, 10:51 AM
Since you asked and I didn't answer, I thought more about it.
Here's my post from another board regarding Trubisky being equal to Pickett
Its a literary masterpiece
Here's my post from another board regarding Trubisky being equal to Pickett
Its a literary masterpiece

Quote:Pickett was the safe pick. What does that get you?
Well, at worst he's equal to Mitch Trubisky and Mitch Trubisky is a capable middle tier QB. Surround a mid tier QB with quality parts in a sound and solid organization, and you can win. Maybe even a Super Bowl. The Ravens did it. Twice.
Worst case scenario, Trubisky leaves in two years, KP starts for the next two years while the Steelers plan their next move, wether that is signing or drafting the next QB. They've got time and less pressure.
Draft Willis instead of Pickett and now worst case scenario Willis doesn't develop and is a total bust. You've now moved the timeline up two years and increased the pressure on finding the next QB.
That's what safe gets you. That's what Pickett provides.