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Anyone ever wake up paralyzed before?
(12-03-2015, 06:14 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Thats weird.  Do you normally sleep on your back?

Way off topic, but just thought of this for the first time in a long time...  Probably the craziest sleep experience of my life, and that is saying something considering the sleep walking stage I went through.  Most of the sleep walking I don't remember at all, but this has always stuck with me...  One time as a really little guy, say 5 -6 years old, I was a little hyped up going to bed.  Just that kid with too much energy holed up in the bedroom.  So I started standing at the very end of the bed and just falling face first into my pillow.  Hands to my side, like a plank falling over.  Woooosh, right into the pillow.  Well I did this over and over 10 or so times, and then BAM! I woke up.  Same exact position, hands to the side, sun beaming through the window.  It was like I hit the pillow and then I woke up.  I was positive I traveled through time.  30+ years later, I know I didn't travel through time, but god damn if that wasn't something incredible.  I must have fallen asleep mid-fall or something.  Tried to recreate it for months after, never worked.

I usually go sleep on my side,but every time I've done it,I've woke up on my back. 
Thanks ExtraRadiohead for the great sig

[Image: SE-KY-Bengal-Sig.png]

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RE: Anyone ever wake up paralyzed before? - Se ky bengal - 12-03-2015, 06:35 PM

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