06-20-2022, 03:16 PM
(06-20-2022, 01:26 PM)Tiger Blood Wrote: i can take the informed opinions of guys like charlie kirk and ben shapiro, who know what they're talking about or some guy on a message board. i think i'll stick with charlie and ben and my own eyes.
I don't know who Charlie Kirk is but Ben Shapiro's propaganda is a joke. He is constantly proven wrong. Remember when he guaranteed Chauvin would be acquitted? Even Joe Rogan made fun of Shapiro for getting so triggered over the movie "Black Panther". But my all-time Shapiro stroke of genius was when he claimed that even if global warming was real and the sea levels rose 10 feet to flood all the costal areas that people would still just "sell their homes and move inland". But for some reason he never explained who would buy these hom,es and businesses that were going under water.

He is a complete clown. The only people who listen to him just want to be told what they want to hear. So they don't care if it is completely ridiculous.