12-04-2015, 02:14 PM
(12-04-2015, 01:46 PM)Wyche Wrote: ......but aren't there already similar laws in place in the state of California? Didn't do very much to deter these guys....
(12-04-2015, 01:38 PM)fredtoast Wrote: We can do a lot to reduce the amount of weapons available to criminals and crazies. The fact that we can not stop ALL of them should never be used as an excuse to oppose laws that can help make things better.
Registering all guns and regulating sales will greatly reduce the flow of weapons. It is just too easy right now for private citizens to supply guns to criminals and mentally ill people. Make it illegal to do it and it will cut down on the flow. People will not be able to advertise openly. They will not want to take the risk of going to prison if a gun they bought legally is used in a crime.
Attaching liability to a gun will also make the owner more careful about who has access to that gun.
And, finally, requiring license and training to be able to even own a gun will o a long way to helping in gun safety. If every gun owner was aware of the number of accidental deaths and suicides involving family members of gun owners then more guns will be harder to access.
As I said in my original post, mass shootings should not be the a big part of the discussion when discussing gun control. What should be addressed is the facts about who is really getting shot up in America. It isn't a lot of potential criminals. It is mostly criminals shooting criminals; family members or people who know each other shooting each other over personal conflicts; suicides, and accidents.
Guns are very very dangerous. I don't see any problem with treating them that way. The main reason we make people register ownership of cars because of the liability for the damage they cause. We regulate the sale of explosives and deadly poisons. Since duns are killing a lot of people in America the gobernment has the right to put some requirements on their ownership.
The Constitution guarantees you free speech, but the government can still regulate it. Same goes with gun ownership.
We can't take away everyone's guns. And I don't think we should. Sane, law abiding citizens who have been trained should be allowed to own guns