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The Athletic Fan Survery: Trust in Organization
One thing I've changed my mind on completely is the ability of a single player to turn the tone and prospects of a franchise around so quickly.

For years it's been my belief that a well-built, complete roster with an average to above average quarterback can win at the highest level in this league. It's happened, but not very often. We had this with Andy for a few seasons and won a lot, but never sealed the deal.

One elite quarterback has taken this franchise from arguably it's lowest point since the lost decade to a scenario where people are inexplicably confident in the people running this team. These are people that the city as a whole has despised for decades. This is a coach that many of us, myself included, were ready to drive to the airport to get him out of here. It looked like the most overmatched staff in football for 2 complete seasons. Lou was the 11th guy interviewed for his job. Now everyone loves him.

I wouldn't have believed it 3 years ago, but I now fully get why teams pay these guys what they do. It's the most important position in professional sports. I've always thought a great roster could lift a decent quarterback to be good enough. Turns out a great quarterback can lift an entire franchise. Who knew, except just about everyone?

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RE: The Athletic Fan Survery: Trust in Organization - samhain - 07-20-2022, 10:07 AM

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