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"Why Not Us?" -- well, a few reasons...
I think the reason it might not be us is the AFC is simply stacked. The Bills are on paper scary good and better than us. I think the Chiefs are better. The AFC West... I mean any team there could go on a playoff run. It's a battle royale in the AFC this year. I think our division is underrated too.

I'm just hoping we solidify over the course of the season and become one of the contenders again. With how stacked the AFC is, the playoffs will be an absolute gauntlet. I'd like the AFC postseason this year to something like a lottery, with a very high purchase price on the ticket. I.e. Most of the teams who make it in will have a great shot at a Super Bowl, but to get in you're gunna have to be very good.

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RE: "Why Not Us?" -- well, a few reasons... - TheCincinnatiKid - 09-13-2022, 08:52 AM

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