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ESPN Says We're Still Alive And My Reasons For Hope!
The Bengals were 2-1 after week 3 last year with pretty much the same first two weeks as this year with the small exception of getting a huge break in week 1 rather than getting a huge shaft in week 1.

If they come out and beat the Jets the way they should be able to, we'll be 1-2, the rest of the division will be, at best, 2-1, and we'll be off to the races with 5 more division games to make up ground.

If the Bengals play up to their potential, they'll undoubtedly make the playoffs. It isn't even close to out of reach. The whole 11.3% statistic, remember, includes pretty much every team that people knew were going to get a top 5 pick from the beginning of the season. If you checked stats for expected contenders going 0-2 and still reaching the playoffs, I bet the number jumps pretty high.

We'll see how Sunday goes, but I fully expect that we leave New Jersey 1-2 and well on our way to turning this season around. No one calls it quits with 88% of the season left to play.

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RE: ESPN Says We're Still Alive And My Reasons For Hope - CJD - 09-22-2022, 06:47 PM

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