09-27-2022, 06:06 PM
I'm always intrigued by the risk/reward ratio of situations like this. If he plays and gets knocked out again (Tua was never Cal Ripken to begin with), the Dolphins'll take a lot of abuse for it. To say nothing of the potential liability and legal ramifications down the road. Can they afford to take that gamble? Given how the footage went viral, it would seem so blatantly wrong to the casual observer. All the momentum they've generated to date would go up in smoke, whereas if he sat out a week or two the optics would be a lot less damaging to the team, if not Tua himself.
If I were them I'd just play Teddy and stop messing around like this. Because they won't win anyway.
If I were them I'd just play Teddy and stop messing around like this. Because they won't win anyway.