10-05-2022, 05:43 PM
Before this completely drifts away from the early games Sunday into ramblings on other topics. I want to touch base on some people hate Steelers, don't like Ravens, but are OK with Ohio's other team Browns. I am not. I hope San Diego clobbers the Browns Sunday and the Chargers QB is just the guy to do it. Sam Wyche said it Best : " Remember You Don't Live In Cleveland ".
I'm also hoping lightning strikes twice. Before last Sunday I posted that Bengals win over Miami could get even better if Browns, Steelers and Ravens lose their 1 PM games. Well, that happened. So I'm hoping the luck continues with another thread this week that Browns and Steelers could lose their 1 PM games and Bengals could beat the Ravens Sunday Night. Again, I'm not excluding Ohio's other team, I hope the Chargers QB picks them apart. This is not Hate. It's just the Standings. I want to see Our Bengals sitting alone on top of the AFC North after Week 5.
I also want to chat with Grampahol. I can't watch sports on TV from London Game at 9 AM to around Midnight's end of Bengals Game. I can't do 15 hours of TV sports. So I'll be selective. I'll root for Browns and Steelers to lose from 1 to maybe 4:30. Then I will turn off TV Sports for a much needed break with Our Bengals coming on TV in 4 hours around 8 PM or so. I will set my cell phone alarm clock in case I fall asleep waiting for Our Bengals. I better not eat too much because it would be like Thanksgiving sleeping away. I'll eat towards end of Bengals Game. Once Bengals start, I get too hyper to ever fall asleep as I'm glued in to every play. So I said power nap, and that can be 10 or 15 minutes. Of course I probably won't be able to sleep before a Bengals Game. Probably best if I skip the game in London early, and is that in London Kentucky or London Ohio ? Anyway Grampahol, GO BENGALS and WHO DEY and NEW DAY. Joe Burrow took us to the Super Bowl and he is back for more because like in The Big Lebowski, " The Dude Abides "., and the Cowboy ends the movie saying he finds comfort in those words. Joe Burrow, " The Dude Abides ".
I'm also hoping lightning strikes twice. Before last Sunday I posted that Bengals win over Miami could get even better if Browns, Steelers and Ravens lose their 1 PM games. Well, that happened. So I'm hoping the luck continues with another thread this week that Browns and Steelers could lose their 1 PM games and Bengals could beat the Ravens Sunday Night. Again, I'm not excluding Ohio's other team, I hope the Chargers QB picks them apart. This is not Hate. It's just the Standings. I want to see Our Bengals sitting alone on top of the AFC North after Week 5.
I also want to chat with Grampahol. I can't watch sports on TV from London Game at 9 AM to around Midnight's end of Bengals Game. I can't do 15 hours of TV sports. So I'll be selective. I'll root for Browns and Steelers to lose from 1 to maybe 4:30. Then I will turn off TV Sports for a much needed break with Our Bengals coming on TV in 4 hours around 8 PM or so. I will set my cell phone alarm clock in case I fall asleep waiting for Our Bengals. I better not eat too much because it would be like Thanksgiving sleeping away. I'll eat towards end of Bengals Game. Once Bengals start, I get too hyper to ever fall asleep as I'm glued in to every play. So I said power nap, and that can be 10 or 15 minutes. Of course I probably won't be able to sleep before a Bengals Game. Probably best if I skip the game in London early, and is that in London Kentucky or London Ohio ? Anyway Grampahol, GO BENGALS and WHO DEY and NEW DAY. Joe Burrow took us to the Super Bowl and he is back for more because like in The Big Lebowski, " The Dude Abides "., and the Cowboy ends the movie saying he finds comfort in those words. Joe Burrow, " The Dude Abides ".

1968 Bengal Fan