05-13-2015, 04:02 PM
(05-13-2015, 03:18 PM)CarolinaBengalFanGuy Wrote: Thor 2 I thought was about on par with the original. I do however think Thor 3 may be the best of them all. It's going to get into infinity stone stuff to set up that last Avengers movie and I heard a rumor that Thanos may have a rather big role. It's called Ragnorak by the way, which is supposed to be the event that ends Asgard and the Asgardians. They might kill Thor off though I seriously doubt it.
I loved sitting next to the big black lady at Imax watching Age of Ultron listening to her loudly fawn over Hemsworth lol
Warning: possible Thor 3 legit spoilers
So in the comic books ragnorok is the end of Asgard. However it's a cycle that happens every so often and along with an end it is a rebirth. In the comic books Thor eventually catches on to the cycle and is able to stop it. There is an event that happens when Thor ends it that did not happen in any of the other cycles. Thor is exiled from Asgard which we have seen in the movies. This causes a rift in the cycle of ragnorok and enables Thor to catch on to the cycle and the end that comes. Warning: avengers 2 spoilers- could the visions Thor sees in avengers 2 be Thor catching on to the end that comes through the cycle?