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Group Therapy... Feel Free To Rant
My rant is this: I am so over getting owned by the Steelers at home. Its freaking embarrassing! I hate how their fans act like complete morons. The guy in front of us was a complete and utter jerk. Quite a few people were getting fed up with him. Seriously had the jerk line ready to go. Finally after his 8th beer he shut the hell up because he could barely stand.

The complete lack of the non calls where our guys were purposefully being targeted it complete bull! Gilberry getting his eyes gouged! I mean seriously? Eifert and Burfict and I am sure there were many others. Oh the late hit on AJ Green when he went out of bounds after the catch. AJ doesn't often get mad but he actually got mad and jawed in the guys face. But you know if that were Burfict or Pacman they would have been flagged ten times over.

The one thing that set me off more than anything was a Bengals employee confronting my teenage daughter and her friend in the bathroom! I was washing my hands and my girls were waiting by the door. This attendant says to the girls "Yeah they are going to get their asses kicked!" I looked over and said oh you mean the Steelers. She says no the Bengals. We just kind of roll our eyes and go about our business. The lady continues with her trash talking, talking about how the Bengals were going to get killed by the Steelers and it was going to be ugly. It got to the point to where we were very uncomfortable because she just wouldn't quit and it was almost like she was daring us to say otherwise. She blocked our exit from the bathroom and kept saying to my girls Come on bet me! Come on bet me and was borderline aggressive about it. We finally walked to the other exit and left. She left after we did. I snapped a picture of her and plan on talking to management about it because it was so inappropriate. How do you hire someone like that? And not to mention they are a freaking Steelers fan!

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RE: Group Therapy... Feel Free To Rant - BengirlVal - 12-14-2015, 12:53 PM

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