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Were Hurst and Hendrickson dirty?
They were all doing some hard hitting in the game but that is two AFC teams going at it. No different than us and Steelers or us and Browns. Two top dogs fighting it out for a win. The Hurst tackle the Bills guy was running just as fast at Hurst as Hurts was moving towards him and got a shoulder in Hursts chest. The momentum carried Hurst on top of the guy since Hurst was the bigger player. Nothing dirty just playing hard from both guys.

Hendrickson looked like he did not want to stop his momentum with a broken wrist, so he rolled but he pulled his legs up to avoid the QB. Neither was dirty plays just two teams fighting for a top spot in the playoff seeding.

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RE: We’re Hurst and Hendrickson dirty? - BengalsBong - 01-04-2023, 01:27 PM

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