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The Steelers hate Burfict because he's too much like...a Steeler
(12-16-2015, 08:22 AM)tigerseye Wrote: Didn't Mitchell or Williams say on social media for everyone to see that he was going to paint or threaten to paint Vontez. Doesn't that mean shot????? And didn't they say there was going to be blood spilled on the field??????? How does the commisioner not say a word about that?????? The Steelers have had many many cheap shots on our players for a long time and when our players give them a taste they cry about it. Give me a break. Kimo Van Cheap shotten took out Palmers knee (I believe on purpose). The list goes on. Big Ben knows what the Steelers have been doing in these games, they are now worried that they might get the same thing back. They laughed their asses off when Palmers knee got blown out. I was at the game I seen them all laughing about it. If he wants to do something about it he should start with shutting up Mitchell and dealing with his own team. For him to call out VB for a cheap shot after the history of his team and teammates in these games is a complete joke. The bully / cheap shot artists is getting back what they have been dishing out for years and they can't stand it. Punch a bully in the mouth and they cry and show you what they really are. The Steelers are known for this stuff and now they want to cry about someone else hitting them back (legally- I might add). The Steelers are showing that they are fake bullys who want to hide behind the commisioner.

Lmao, paint does not mean shot... calm down, nobody is getting shot around here lol 

Also, the hit on Kvo was in no way intentional, you Bengirls fans just don't want to let it go but you say Steelers fan always bring up the past

Vontaze burpshit is now and he's a dirty Suh type player and his hit on Ben was definitely intentional and should face punishment

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RE: The Steelers hate Burfict because he's too much like...a Steeler - we-dey! - 12-16-2015, 09:06 AM

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