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EVen the idea that Chiefs are underdogs is laughable
Right the story is a bit deal because the line has moved dramatically. I believe it’s only moved 4 points total from Chiefs -2.5 to Bengals -1.5. Historically though home field is worth about 3 points so in a neutral field Vegas has Cincy favored by 4.5 which is pretty wild. I think it’s actually a function of Mahomes injury and how decisively they beat the Bills.

This is one of those things though where retail may have moved the line but I’d be curious what the “wise guys” are doing. Most retail money may be Cincy but the insider money knows the real severity or limitations of Mahomes and that’s the money you want to follow.

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RE: EVen the idea that Chiefs are underdogs is laughable - Au165 - 01-24-2023, 10:28 PM

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