01-30-2023, 02:19 AM
I have been and continue to be a huge fan of Joseph Ossai. I remember when Voch Lombardi did a rundown of why he thought that Ossai could go in the first round during the pre-draft process. I also remember when he fell all the way to the third round somehow and was snatched up by the Bengals. I was thrilled! Without his stellar plays in this game, without him stepping up to be the only player on the D who could get pressure...well the game that we just witnessed might not have even been close. When the Bengals pass rush was stuck in neutral I was crossing my fingers hoping that between Carter or Sample or Ossai someone would seize the opportunity and make something happen. Everyone will talk about the penalty in the high pressure situation but we should be mindful of his successful plays. I just wanted to highlight how far he's come and to show some support for a guy who should have a very bright future in whatever endeavors he chooses to pursue.