02-04-2023, 02:05 AM
(02-04-2023, 01:08 AM)PDub80 Wrote: You have to be joking.They released it 2 years later and only after the OK Supreme Court ruled the city must release the video.
- In the end, the police stated they could NOT find witnesses to corroborate her story.
- In the end, the police found multiple witnesses that VERIFIED Mixon's version of the events.
- The victim magically could recount in great detail a bunch of things that everyone said/did to her... yet when asked about what she said and did, her memory suddenly was hazzy and she had periods of not recalling her role in the escalation of the altercation.
The police found her to NOT be honest in these statements. She remembers all of this detail of everyone else's acrions that night while she was absolutely hammered and, yet, has no recollection of her own actions.... This is BS.
- The victim hit Joe first and her gay friend in the group DID, in fact, call him the N word. This was VERIFIED by several witnesses the police interviewed. The victim also admitted to someone may have called him that, but also said her memory was hazy and she couldn't remember who. Joe said it was her gay friend. Remember, police said they found Joe to be credible in his statements.
^ As I said in my previous post, if the above victim were a male who shoved Joe after having words w him and then got punched, this wouldn't be a story because most would say the dude deserved it.
BTW, she shoved/hit him 2x. Only the 2nd was actually caught on camera. The first punch knocked his glasses off.
- The Victim has a history of arrests and a criminal record. This was not some innocent college girl.
- Mixon's friend admitted to asking her to suck Joe's D because it was his birthday. When her gay friend started talking ish at the group in trying to defend her, a homophobic slur was used. This is how it all escalated.
- In her statement regarding the incident she stated she wished she had handled things differently leading up to her pushing him and whatever she allegidly didn't say (she clearly said it) to provoke getting punched.
- If I recall, Joe followed her inside to apologize to her so they could all leave and she shoved him and insulted him, which lead to the punch. She was virtually black out drunk.
- Interesringly enough, Joe Mixon's side is the one who released the video footage. The victim's attorney and the prosecutor tried to stop them from showong it because it showed her as the agressor.
There are a great many articles on what happened written at various timelines. They contain a lot of different quotes, statements, verification of facts, etc. I have read a ton of them and these all seem to be common threads to the incident. That is what I meant by court statements. That was a poor choice of words. Statements to police would be much more appropriate.
^ To me, those are all interesting layers to the story over and above "Joe Mixon pinched a sweet innocent college girl".
I am not jaded to think Joe Mixon's a perfect human because he wears orange and can run fast. But there are layers, as I said, to what happened that night 8 years ago that leads me to just not care about it.
You can take whatever stance you want, but there's no way anyone defending Mixon with more than 3 brain cells would want that video released.
Did the girl "deserve it"? You make the call..