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Joe goodberry pff Steve Darnell wright
(04-23-2023, 04:50 AM)casear2727 Wrote: "Would rather have Wanya Morris in the 4th."  That is crazy talk. I doubt there is one individual on an NFL personnel or coaching staff that would agree with this.  You can get our friend Whatever to agree, but thats probably about it. 

KC just gave the bag to the worst run blocking OT starter in the league, because he can pass protect very well.  Wright is a better run blocker than Jawaan Taylor and he is a very good pass protector.

Okay, I had to google "gave the bag to," because I'm an old guy. And what I found was "give the bag to" means to fire someone or dismiss someone. 

give (one) the bag

1. For one's romantic partner to abruptly reject or abandon one.I loved Mary so much and thought she loved me—I never expected her to give me the bag and then move halfway across the country!
2. To dismiss someone from a job; to fire one.I can't believe the boss gave me the bag after five years on the job!
See also: baggive

So, then I couldn't make sense of your statement, because who did KC fire because he was a bad run blocker? Orlando Brpwn is not a bad run blocker. Jawaan Taylor is a bad run blocker, but he was elevated to LT. 

What am I missing?

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RE: Joe goodberry pff Steve Darnell wright - Nepa - 04-23-2023, 05:35 PM

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