Poll: Is this team overall better than last year?
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No, worse
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Is the team better now compared to last year?
My only thought about this is that the environment is slightly more conducive to success. Last year they were defending AFC Champs. Skeptics wondered if they were a one-hit wonder, etc. That's pressure you have to learn to deal with and it isn't always welcome. This year, it's understood that they're a contender. They don't have to measure up to last year so much as reach a new level. They're looking forward instead of being anchored to questions about the past. I don't know if it was ever a problem but they're less distracted now. That's invigorating. I'm excited to see where it leads.

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RE: Is the team better now compared to last year? - tms - 05-03-2023, 04:30 PM

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