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What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions
Finally ran thru the DLC for Doom eternal... The story is pretty crazy lol. The DLC missions are crammed full of things to kill including a couple of times you get to fight Twin Marauders... Or a marauder with some Other large enemies like Tyrant's (cyberdemons) ... Takes a while to push thru them all.

Overall Great DLC's that kinda Wrap up the Slayers Story line for now.... I dont think id's next game will be another Doom after seeing the ending. Imma Say its Quake reboot / Rage 3 or a new IP from idsoft next. (unless they are handling Wolfenstein 3 with machine games working on Indiana Jones)

Gonna mess around with the horde mode next.

I think ill go with either Prey or Wolfenstein 2 after finishing Doom eternal

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RE: What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions - XenoMorph - 05-22-2023, 09:08 AM

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