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idea to make sure we win for years
(06-15-2023, 11:21 PM)casear2727 Wrote: My initial thought regarding a poster describing this absurd idea as a "troll post" was someone being very polite instead of using words like stupid, ignorant, dense, brainless, mindless, foolish, dull-witted, slow-witted, witless, dunce-like, simple-minded, empty-headed, vacuous, vapid, idiotic, moronic, imbecilic, obtuse, doltish, gullible, naive, blithering, deficient, nitwitted, oafish, stolid, addle-brained, dim, dumb, dopey, dozey, crazy, barmy, cretinous, birdbrained, pea-brained, pig-ignorant, bovine, slow on the uptake, soft in the head, brain-dead, boneheaded, lame-brained, thickheaded, chuckleheaded, dunderheaded, wooden-headed, fat-headed, muttonheaded, daft, not the full shilling, air-headed, bubble-headed, dopy, dorky, knuckle-headed, lunkheaded, nitwitted, pinheaded, thick as mince, thick-witted, woodenheaded, foolish, silly, unintelligent, scatterbrained, crackbrained, nonsensical, imbecilic, senseless, clueless, irresponsible, unthinking, careless, ill-advised, ill-considered, imprudent, inept, witless, negligent, reckless, birdbrained, thoughtless, unreasoned, unsound, inane, absurd, batty, screwball, wack, hopeless, incompetent, slack-jawed, perverse, banal, revolting, humiliating, disgraceful, embarrassing, degenerate, unhinged, hair-brained, inept, lacking property, unfacile, oblivious, uncouth, backwoods, contemptible, abhorrent, abominable, pathetic, sap, simpleton, stuporous, or stupendously stupefyingly chowderheaded.

you coulda said i think your idea is silly an i disagree with it. but instead you made a long post that did nothing but outrite break the board rules over an over. 

Messages In This Thread
idea to make sure we win for years - Leon - 06-14-2023, 07:53 PM
RE: idea to make sure we win for years - Leon - 06-16-2023, 03:18 PM

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