07-11-2023, 01:41 PM
Been playing Borderlands 3 lately. Diablo 4 is a laggy, broken mess since patch 1.0.4. so my barbarian is on hold. Love how they’ve been raking in money since RTS Warcraft, and still can’t be bothered to upgrade their dinosaur-era servers. And absolute radio silence on Blizzard’s end when it comes to even a “we know this is an issue and are working on fixing it asap” Twitter post or in-game start-menu info window. And they’re hyping “season 1” due out July 20th? Maybe fix the GAME first?
FFXIV (SquareEnix) is 8 years old, and they have upgraded their servers at least twice that I know of. One semi-recently. They understand the best ability is availability. Something Blizzard knows about but cares nothing for!
FFXIV (SquareEnix) is 8 years old, and they have upgraded their servers at least twice that I know of. One semi-recently. They understand the best ability is availability. Something Blizzard knows about but cares nothing for!