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What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions
(07-19-2023, 12:11 AM)basballguy Wrote: So the D4 season 1 patch notes seem to be rubbing some people raw.  Personally, I'm not sure they impact my play at all.  

I noticed a difference. After going back and forth between Rogue and Druid, I've finally settled on Druid (AND finally just made him an all Werewolf Druid) to just complete the campaign with. Anyway, normally, I don't find myself coming close to death or dying unless I'm in a boss fight or a huge mob with multiple elites or I'm just not paying attention. Certainly no real issues outside of dungeons. AFTER the patch, even traversing normally if I get certain enemies in a mob (not elites but tough "normal" enemies like remnants or those tree things), I find myself constantly needing to heal.

I'm assuming I'll adjust (taking the change as like I switched from World Tier II to III) but the patch HAS impacted my play.
[Image: giphy.gif]

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RE: What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions - PhilHos - 07-19-2023, 11:18 AM

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