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What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions
I take back the props I gave EA for this new Madden. Here we are, now into the regular season, and the Franchise Draft Class bug still hasn't been fixed. They've "been aware" of this for some time now but hey, keep "fixing" the "laggy UI" or add more MUT deals!

Next patch, they'll spend all their resources replacing the opening"EA's in the game!" with John Madden saying "BOOM! Now that's just good football! BRETT FAVRE!" while telling us "we are aware of an issue with:" and doing little to nothing to fix it.

Now...back to Sea of Stars (reminds me of ChronoTrigger / Secret of Mana)

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What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions - The D.O.Z. - 09-08-2023, 12:05 PM

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