06-09-2015, 07:05 PM
(06-07-2015, 10:00 PM)RoyleRedlegs Wrote: I tend to fall in the latter category. I believe that barring physical transformation (losing or gaining a significant amount of weight) players are generally what they are. Certain aspects can be refined to a degree. But you cannot change the overall game of a player.This in a nut shell means players cant improve unless they do what you said. IF you meant something else you might want to clean this up.
Then bonesaw saids this:
(06-08-2015, 01:30 AM)bonesaw Wrote: I think Bodine will be OK. He seemed to have the mean streak. I noticed him drive to the end of the whistle alot. Being competitive will mask some of his shortcomings. When he got beat it was right away, like you said mostly hand position or over extending his weight from trying to hard to be aggressive. To me that is all rookie mistakes. He could definitely use some more strength/size but he can be pretty good. Nice threadThis is your direct quote after bonesaw made his comment:
(06-08-2015, 11:19 AM)RoyleRedlegs Wrote: Rookie mistakes are things like missing a snap count, false starts or general brain farts. Bodine's problems extend beyond rookie mistakes. Players rarely change with their hands, you can fix things like bad footwork, false steps, base too wide etc...but the problem with hands is that they are more connected to the attitude. The big punch off the snap, quick inside hands. Bodine's short arms and lack of punch make it very difficult for him to win positioning.
Here according to your criteria you labeled things rookies can improve on, none of them none of the things players can improve had anything to do with hands according to you. And nothing on this list is the complaint you had against Bodine. So according to you if he is not improving what is approved by you he cant improve.
(06-09-2015, 05:32 PM)RoyleRedlegs Wrote: Okay, there you go. There's your post. Show me in mine where I said he COULDN'T improve. I said it would be hard and odds are against it. There was nothing about him being cut or moved on from in my original post.
Technique issues can be driven by several factors. Physical limitations, laziness, bad coaching, inexperience.
Guess which one Bodine falls under?
You are adding erroneous accusations to my post that I never made. You said all those things not me. Why act like I did?
And also you may not have directly said team should cut/move on from him, but you did say have competition with other guys because you were concerned about his hands. Which to me means move on from him.
You did a lot of indirect talking and pointing to the logical conclusion based on the facts as you see them.
All that above is why i felt as though you said he could not improve and also why i felt as though you have a "the team should cut/move on from him" attitude. Would be nice if you could post any sources that agree with you.
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