11-01-2023, 11:57 AM
(11-01-2023, 08:41 AM)Truck_1_0_1_ Wrote: Crappie*, not Croppy. Hate the misnomers that have been parrotted around for fish for decades (not your fault, Nate lol: it's a problem here in Canada too), but Crappie are related to the fish in the pic.
And the fish in the pic is a Pumpkinseed (the most-commonly found Sunfish in NA).
Almost every single body of water that is part of a river watershed here in Ontario (so only pool-like lakes, that have no inflow/outflow, like what you guys have in the Mountain states, are not part of rivers), has Pumpkinseed in it. If your hook is small-enough, it is easily the easiest fish to catch in North America lol.
EDIT* actually, on a second look, that looks like a Bluegill (notice the blue spot around the gills)... which is the second most-common Sunfish lol. These are everywhere from Lake Simcoe and east, in Ontario and there are a few lakes around the Muskokas (where I normally fish) that hold them.
They grow just a bit bigger on average than Pumpkinseed, though they fight MUCH harder (but since they are still small, they don't put up much of a fight lol).
Yep, Bluegill. One fun fish to catch on Ultralight gear.