11-06-2023, 06:02 PM
(11-06-2023, 05:57 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I think CC does a great job at calling a game. Some are mad that he doesn't wear his Bengal Jersey to every game he calls, but I dig him being a non-homer when he calls a game. Last night when Allen got called for the grounding, CC explained what happened and he disagreed with the rule. He respected the fact that it was a rule and rightfully called, but CC provided a player's insight.
Many in the gameday were quite angry with CC.
I agree. The announcers were able to get the analysis that according to the letter of the rules it was indeed grounding, which was good, and yet Collinsworth explained the play and why in spirit it was not really grounding.
I didn't like the two announcers saying it was not really roughing the passer when Burrow was tossed on his head. I winced at the replay, thinking Burrow could have easily had a concussion or badly hurt his neck. So, I didn't get the perspective that it wasn't roughing because the player hadn't landed with his weight on Burrow.