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Please Don't Waste This Season...
(01-01-2016, 06:42 PM)Essex Johnson Wrote: I am going to have to disagree with you, there are many fans across the nation of teams that would be happy to make the playoffs regardless if they win or not.  What many fans across the nation are fed up with are their losing teams.  

ie  Browns, Bears, Dolphins, Saints etc..etc.. etc.. 

I don't understand this logic whatsoever.  Every set of circumstances is different.  Different situations call for different expectations.

Just because the Titans and Tampa Bay , who are rebuilding while rookie QB's are at helm, would have been happy with finishing .500 and being competitive doesn't mean the Patriots would be happy achieving the same.

So just because there are many fans across the nation that would be perfectly happy just to make the playoffs doesn't really mean anything in determining what should or shouldn't make a fan of another team happy. A lot of 16 year old's would be happy getting a 1999 Ford Taurus. A lot of 36 years old's would not.

I was happy with just making the playoffs.  I was just like those fans you're describing.  Except it was 2005.  In each appearance since I have become less thrilled with an equal amount of success.  Why?  Because my expectations have been raised.

My boss was thrilled when the new guy we hired last year took a dead account and turned them into a regular buyer.  He took a zero dollar account and managed to get something out of them.  And while that's great for him, gaining one client at the amount he did would not be met with the same praise had I done the same.  I'm going need about 10 times that amount to earn an "attaboy".  Why?  Because I've been there longer, I make more, and as a result much more is expected of me.

Do you know what my boss would say if I went into a meeting about my poor numbers and told him that some of the trainees and junior level reps would happy writing a fraction of the sales that is expected of me?  Rather than get a "you're right, Mantooth" I'd be handed a box by HR later that afternoon to pack up my shit.

I'll leave you with one last analogy, just in case I haven't the best job making my case:  If you give a kid a peanut butter jelly sandwhich for dinner most of them are going to be ok with that.  I'm pretty sure a lot of the little ***** like shit like grilled cheese and chicken fingers too.  If you give a menu that only includes that to an adult, say at Jeff Ruby's steakhouse, when they really wanted a steak, they're going not going to be as pleased. 

As you age your tastes change.  They become more refined and you learn to like different and usually much, much finer things to eat.  I kinda view the counter to your argument similarly.  Kids (Bengals fans in the 90's) were happy with a grilled cheese (8-8) back in 2003.  And God damn was that hamburger (11-5, playoffs) good in 2005.  But guess what?  I'm ***** tired of eating hamburger every God damn year.  I've had the same ***** burger the last 4 years.  For the love of Christ, bring a steak, or a plate full of Lobster or Shrimp, or hell, I'll even take some Salmon.  But if you bring me one more ***** burger my head is going to explode.

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RE: Please Don't Waste This Season... - Wes Mantooth - 01-02-2016, 02:25 AM

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