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Burrow’s response to Browning’s success
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Burrow’s response to Browning’s success
Where is it?

We all love Burrow. He is our Franchise QB - probably for the next decade.

But - anyone else wondering why Burrow has been so eerily silent about Browning’s very impressive success and even setting a few records along the way?

All sorts of players are all over interviews or social media posting up pro-Jake love, compliments and support.

A few of his teammates have been gushing all over him at times.

Shouldn’t the leader of this team be one of the most vocal supporters?

I haven’t seen one clip of anything positive stated or posted about Jake by Burrow. I haven’t seen a ton of love on the sidelines either.

It all seems a little strange by the team’s leader.

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Burrow’s response to Browning’s success - Whacked - 12-17-2023, 09:48 PM

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