12-20-2023, 04:50 PM
(12-20-2023, 03:05 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: How was him involved in the play and me not have any impact on the fact that I had the exact same view as he did?
He was withering in pain! You think he stopped to look up and think "wow, Kimo feels bad about it?"
Did he even know that Kimo made the hit?
You're trying to tell me that Kimo's teammates didn't say he made a dirty play?
That must settle it!
How do they know?
Palmer's not going to come out and say it was a dirty hit because he has class.................. not real surprised that Steelers fans can't see logic.
Your commitment to confirmation bias is downright remarkable.
If you can't understand that being involved in a play gives someone better insight than merely watching a replay, I can't help you.
The "teammates" that I am referring to are the 2005 Bengals who played with Kimo when he was a Bengal himself for five years in the 90s (you knew that, right?). That includes two of Carson's starting linemen, and at least one defensive starter. Carson specifically referred to them in his statements about the play. If you think I'm crazy for thinking those guys would have some insight on Kimo's character (or that Carson is, for that matter), then I can't help you.
But then again, you know better than everybody, so maybe I should take your word over actual Bengals who personally knew and played with the guy.

Listen man, I enjoy these little talks (especially the part where you perform mental gymnastics to avoid dealing with reality) but there inevitably comes a time when I have to admit to myself that no matter how hard I try, I can't make you see reason. That time has come once again.
Have a Merry Christmas!