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Green is great-but is he really ELITE?
To be truly great don't you need to be elite? It seems like we're splitting hairs here.

I often wonder of some of you confuse the word "elite" with the word "perfect". Because AJ Green is not perfect, there is no doubt about that. But I would argue that is elite. Quite easily I might add. But whether or not you'd agree depends on your definition of the word.

I don't think an elite group of players needs to be an exact amount. While they're could be, say, 5 elite QB's, they're might only be 3 elite cornerbacks. And they're might be 7 elite running backs, and 8 elite receivers. (These are just examples, the numbers aren't important)

To me an elite grouping of players is simply a group that is a class above everyone else, even the good players. Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees. Those are elite quarterbacks. Peyton Manning until this season was most definitely in this group. Cam Newton is playing his way into this group. Not only are these guys producing well above average numbers, but they're proven too. It's not just a flash in the pan type of performance. (Hence, why I'm somewhat reluctant to include Cam Newton just yet)

So which receivers are elite and why? Personally, I still think you start with Calvin Johnson. Physically he's superior to everyone else. He may have tailed off somewhat but I think his numbers have more to do with the trainwreck that is that team. Then I think you have to have Antonio Bryant and Julio Jones. And I think you round out the group with AJ Green, Dez Bryant, and O'dell Beckham. That's your elite receivers. You can argue some are better than others, just like you can argue Tom Brady is better than Brees. But these guys are to receivers what other elite players are to their positions.

Does AJ Green make mistakes? Yes. But so does Dez Bryant. So does O'dell Beckham. Calvin Johnson had 2 cacthes for about 40 yards in a recent two game stretch. O'dell Beckham dropped a sure-fire TD against the Panthers and proceeded to let Norman rattle him. They all have their moments.

Not to mention, this isn't even bringing up their intangibles. I think most would agree that AJ Green is more of stable and likely better teammate than Dez Bryant, right? And O'dell Beckham. That's got to count for something does it not?

He's been healthier than Julio Jones. He's been more consistent in terms of numbers than more than a few of these guys.

To recap: He has "elite numbers", he's a relatively model teammate, he's been as healthy as any of these guys, he's been more consistent than most, and every single one of these guys makes mistakes. So what leaves him out for those who argue against his worthiness. Because if you don't consider him to be elite than I really hope your list is no more than 3 deep.

There is no way you can convince me that AJ Green is not elite but Dez Bryant somehow is. There is no way you can convince me that a guy like Demayrius Thomas leap frogs AJ Green. There is no way you can include a name like Deandre Hopkins after 1 big year, when he's their only weapon.

Personally, I think people get frustrated with AJ Green because they have greater expectations for him than any other offensive weapon. And I think they apply a set of standards to him they they either don't apply to other receivers, or they simply don't watch other receivers play. That, or they only think there's 3 elite receivers. I would love for someone to give their group that has AJ out of it, and explain exactly what the criteria is.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Green is great-but is he really ELITE? - Wes Mantooth - 01-03-2016, 01:18 AM

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