01-05-2024, 05:51 AM
As an Alaskan, I usually kind of laugh at snow being a reason to not go do something, but we've been hammered with huge snowfalls this year so I get it.
''No such thing as bad weather, just bad gear'' is easy to say when you don't live in tornado/hurricane country, but it is true when it comes to winter. If you have the right outdoor gear, winter rocks, but this year, it's all snow shoveling.
Anchorage International Airport is our ''Official'' temperature and snowfall measurement but it's not even close to being a true representative of either.
It's surrounded by lakes, marshes, flats and an inlet so the snow clouds meet zero resistance and mostly float right over it. But as the low lying clouds get pushed against the mountains, they release their snow to rise over the mountains and the rest of Anchorage gets dumped on. Here's a breakdown of a single snowfall from a week ago after ''Officially'' getting over 70 inches so far this winter before Christmas.
''No such thing as bad weather, just bad gear'' is easy to say when you don't live in tornado/hurricane country, but it is true when it comes to winter. If you have the right outdoor gear, winter rocks, but this year, it's all snow shoveling.
Anchorage International Airport is our ''Official'' temperature and snowfall measurement but it's not even close to being a true representative of either.
It's surrounded by lakes, marshes, flats and an inlet so the snow clouds meet zero resistance and mostly float right over it. But as the low lying clouds get pushed against the mountains, they release their snow to rise over the mountains and the rest of Anchorage gets dumped on. Here's a breakdown of a single snowfall from a week ago after ''Officially'' getting over 70 inches so far this winter before Christmas.
![[Image: 210311%20Snow.png]](https://www.weather.gov/images/afc/210311%20Snow.png)
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