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Who is your Favorite Prospect Fit (non-first round)
(03-17-2024, 03:58 PM)DYT-Flyer Wrote: Not a fan of Sweat unless in fourth round. Not what we need.

Jaylen Harrel is a sleeper as a late round draft pick.

Sainristril in the second would be perfect, got first round praise during season. Would be perfect complement to secondary. Absolute baller.

Eric All in the Fifth or later. Would be talked about more if he didn’t have issues at Michigan. He is serious about his pro career. Has receiver like qualities and could play flanker which is what we have been missing. Think hurst but could hit mid zone better and can run deep routes.

Sorry how is sweat not what we need?

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RE: Who is your Favorite Prospect Fit (non-first round) - Jpoore - 03-17-2024, 07:05 PM

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