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Seasons not over, but it's gone.
(5 hours ago)jj22 Wrote: We all love Burrow. But it’s been  5 years. We should be able to speak openly and honestly about him. Around here anyway. It’s not like we saying this to other teams fans.

We (supposedly) in a safe space amongs fellow fans. Fellow hardcore fans. And anyone on this board as much as some of us are can only be classified as such. 

whats there to say? he gets hurt often? ok. When he wins playoff games, he isnt dominant? That is beyond petty.  I see that complaint a lot. It's ridiculous

guess what, he's playing like a top 5 qb. The criticisms are beyond nit picky and it comes off as reaching.

the only legit criticism is his durability. the others are absurd

It's because you are of such profound wisdom, Frank Booth. - SunsetBengal

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RE: Seasons not over, but it's gone. - Frank Booth - 5 hours ago

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