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Seasons not over, but it's gone.
(4 hours ago)jj22 Wrote: I agree with you on this. 

As far as my “bad” Burrow takes. I sounded the warning on him not going to last the season early last season to severe backlash……. Only to have been right. But I hate to say I told you so so I let it ride since we all hated to see it. 

And I been sounding the alarm on the clutch situation. Only to face backlash and belittlement. Only for Burrow to continue to … lose in 1score games. 

So my takes as people around here know aren’t bad. They are ahead of their time and the board always catches up. Eventually. And when folks do I usually take the high road. Not this time tho. Not wothout any backing and with another close loss there wasn’t one. I was t going to let y’all silence other astute posters. I walked so they can run and I’ll back them as they do. 

the durability and slow starts are of course a legit criticism. the clutch crap is a joke argument. your 1 score narrative lacks context. its a biased take

It's because you are of such profound wisdom, Frank Booth. - SunsetBengal

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RE: Seasons not over, but it's gone. - Frank Booth - 4 hours ago

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