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A stud RB fixes a bunch of problems
(10-30-2024, 08:38 PM)casear2727 Wrote: A backup has a lower bar than a premier RB1 at a high salary, and again, the point was that most RBs will struggle in this offense.  Again, your lack of comprehension is preventing you from seeing the point. 

In 2023 Moss had a better YACON/AT and was a much better pass blocker.  2 key things this offense needed.  Moss also led the league in rushing yards over expected on shotgun runs in 11 personnel.  Which is what we ran all last year.  Im guessing you didnt realize this..?  In fact he was 5th in the league in ROYE last season.  I never said Moss is better overall than Mixon, but in key categories that are important to our offense he was good in 2023.  You comparing totals when Mixon had 75 more rushing attempts is really dumb, in my humble opinion. 

The fact that you go on some silly little tangent that totally misses the point is embarrassing.

(10-31-2024, 09:21 AM)Was Moss good last year on the Colts? Wrote: Your Post - 

Ask yourself this.

Was Moss good last year on the Colts?
Yes he was.

Is Moss good this year?

Is Mixon good this year on the Texans?

Was Mixon good here last year?

You clearly said Mixon was bad last year and Moss was good last year. Saying you didn't say that is embarrassing. Lol, I totally understand your point, just the example (Moss vs. Mixon) is a terrible example to highlight that point, which is what I'm discussing. The fact that your unable to understand that is embarrassing. There is no stat that you can highlight that would defend the argument that Mixon was bad and Moss was good last year. Even so, looking at 1-2 stats where Moss has a leg up, doesn't equate to one player being "bad". 

I shared volume stats and advanced stats. You ignoring that 2nd post is very dumb in my humble opinion. 

You were incorrect in your assessment of Mixon vs. Moss and instead of acknowledging that, you've tried to make irrelevant arguments to the point I've made. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: A stud RB fixes a bunch of problems - Lucius Cincinnatus - 10-31-2024, 01:11 PM

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