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The POSITIVE Takeaways Thread
(01-10-2016, 04:29 AM)GodFather Wrote: You know what I think? This has got to be the most idiotic thread I've ever seen and know that the threads in the future can only be better going forward. 

I've made some very valid points. On the other hand, your post seems to be utterly useless.

Messages In This Thread
The POSITIVE Takeaways Thread - Emphasis - 01-10-2016, 04:11 AM
RE: The POSITIVE Takeways Thread - Rattler - 01-10-2016, 04:14 AM
RE: The POSITIVE Takeways Thread - Krumie - 01-10-2016, 04:16 AM
RE: The POSITIVE Takeaways Thread - t3r3e3 - 01-10-2016, 04:34 AM
RE: The POSITIVE Takeaways Thread - Emphasis - 01-10-2016, 04:34 AM
RE: The POSITIVE Takeaways Thread - t3r3e3 - 01-10-2016, 04:30 AM

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