01-10-2016, 05:13 AM
(01-10-2016, 03:30 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Think about that and then STFUWhat does this even mean?
Because the players feel bad the fans can't feel bad? Because the players are upset, angry, or whatever, the fans can't be disappointed?
Beyond ***** stupid logic.
These players make millions of dollars. Millions upon millions of dollars. Many of them more in one year that what your entire family will collectively make in their lifetime. Do you know why they make so much? BECAUSE PEOPLE CARE SO MUCH! People are so invested emotionally in this game that in turn invest monetarily. With that emotion comes both elation and anger. You can't really have one without the other, when dealing with so many different types of fans.
So please spare us this stupid child-like bullshit. This would have been a hot take for a five year old. I could give two shits how the players feel when trying to gauge my own feelings about a game. Yeah, don't spit on them at the airport or write nasty shit to them. Be a normal human being. But I certainly think it's ok to vent on a message board. If they can't rake the criticism then they should give their paycheck back and find a job teaching Kindergarden or some other safe space. With that huge check comes expectations. When expectations aren't met sometimes it's followed by criticism.
Think about the players!!! = Leave Brittany alone!!! How about you STFU you righteous phony?