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Let's talk the classless Bengals fans
(01-10-2016, 01:39 PM)StripesNTN Wrote: Sure we know both teams out there as well as the Steeler's coaches looked like little more than thugs. But it's the fans! FANS! That were the worst. How can any of the douche bags who booed an injured player and tossed debris even be considered human, yet alone fans. The actions have made me ashamed to call myself a Bengal fan. This is a game, peoples lives, futures and livelihoods are at stake. It is one thing to realize an injury may present your team an advantage, but it is a far different thing to wish upon and cheer such an injury.

Down with the Thugs!
Down with the Enablers!

Is this a joke?  What about Gio's future.  The guy was dancing after the hit.  No penalty.  Tomlin couldn't wait to drop the challenge flag.  Gio is laying on the field hurt, Tomlin is being told to back up off the field while holding the challenge flag, Shazier is dancing and nothing comes of it other than a turnover when it should have been first and goal?  People were pissed and it was emotionally charged.

There has been a long history of very questionable actions taken by Steelers on and off the field that go unchecked by the league.  You had a damn coach in Tomlin who ran on the field a few years back to stop a kickoff.  If you watch the replay from last night, the Steelers coach pulls Nelson's hair on the sideline.  That is what set Nelson off.  Porter was so "concerned" about Brown he is talking crap to the Bengals.  Last game the Steelers go after Eiferts head (not all that different than Burficts hit last night) and no penalty. Palmer, Hine Ward's hit and the list goes on and on.  This behavior comes from their top down which is the coaching and it goes unchecked by the league. 

I don't condone it but lets be honest here.  The league put a weak officiating crew on this game and I would be willing to bet the farm that if the right call was made on Gio, the game would have been controlled a hell of a lot better.  Bengals, get a worst a field goal and we could easily be talking about the Patriots this morning.

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RE: Let's talk the classless Bengals fans - fisherscatfan - 01-10-2016, 02:26 PM

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