01-11-2016, 08:54 AM
(01-11-2016, 08:45 AM)6andcounting Wrote: The media only wants to talk about Porter being on the field. It's a conspiracy!!
Quote:[url=https://vine.co/v/ihl0Yaj0DUu][/url]Quote:Was he at all near Antonio Brown?
I watched the incident several times thanks to DVR and pieced together what I think happened...
- Antonio Brown is being helped by some coaches/trainers. Porter is standing nearby between Brown and a group of Bengals, talking to Burfict. Neither of them look animated, so I don't think it was shittalking at this point.
- Antonio Brown starts to be led off the field. Burfict steps away from Porter to tap Brown on the shoulder (probably to apologize for the hard hit or something, he doesn't seem angry).
- The trainer helping Brown off the field forcibly shoves Burfict away. (Edit: A different angle shows that Burfict accidentally whacks Porter in the face when his arm is shoved away.)
- Porter puts himself between Brown/Trainer and Burfict and starts talking to him again. Possibly shittalking. Possibly just saying "hey don't touch him." (Edit: Possibly saying "hey, you just hit me!") Whatever he is saying, he doesn't look angry, but who knows what Porter is saying behind that grin.
- Another Bengal (Gilberry, #95) comes up behind Porter and chestbumps Porter's back, kind of pushing him into a circle of Bengals.
- Yelling and shittalking on both sides ensues and/or intensifies. Refs start to notice and rush over to pull everyone apart.
- Jones comes out of nowhere and rushes up to Porter, takes a swing at his face, but is pulled away by his teammate before he connects.
- A Steeler rushes over and pulls Porter out of the Bengal circle before he gets hit. All while Porter has his hands in his pockets and a shit-eating grin on his face.
So, while I agree that Porter never should have been on the field, to me it looks like he was minding his own business for the most part until Burfict grabbed Brown. The Bengals started this shit and were the aggressors at every point.
And I absolutely think that the flag on Jones was warranted. You can't take a swing at another person, let alone someone not wearing a helmet or pads. Not to mention that Jones wasn't even involved in that fiasco until he decided to involve himself at the end.
Also, I feel bad for #37 on the Bengals who was defending Antonio Brown (pretty effectively) during that really hard hit. He was sitting on the sidelines with his head in his hands and clearly wanted no part in all the dirty playing.
Edit: Footage! Here's a gif of Jones trying to punch Porter. Here's the video of the whole incident starting at the play where Antonio Brown gets hit. (6:50)
[–]plif 269 points 20 hours ago*
This needs to be higher. I can't find the GIF right now (can someone link it?) but Joey Porter is following a few steps behind Antonio Brown as he is being helped off the field. Burfict comes in to pat Brown's shoulder and gets shoved away by the Steelers team doctor. Then JP puts himself between Burfict and the people helping Brown off the field. 6 Bengals surround him and that's what started this.
edit: found video links. 8:23 on the YouTube video above you can see JP just standing next to trainers and AB. Now watch this from a few seconds later, the camera is not shown in the broadcast link above: Burfict tries to get to AB, shoved away by Steelers doc and his arm hits Porter in the face. JP is just following behind the trainers.
There is a lot of video and images to look at with those links so I suppose it would be easier to just bitchtalk about how if one Steelers coach had no be on the field the Bengals would have won, rather than if the Bengals players on the field could have been professional for another 60 seconds.