5 hours ago
(Yesterday, 09:21 AM)Sled21 Wrote: Yeah, let's root for that. That way ALL the players will want to leave, and we can go back to the 90's
Man you really are boot licking aren't ya? You do know we don't just have to accept mediocrity right? I mean I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Those who are old enough to have lived through the 90's are the same ones who have enabled this ownership to get away with their nonsense. We go back to "well it's better than not having a team at all." Is it really? I mean I was born into it so i'll have to root for this team until they do move or I die, but I'll be damned if i spend my hard earned dollars on anything supporting them while that billionaire family sits upon their throne looking down laughing at all of us idiots as we seemingly live and die for the team they use as a money maker and nothing else. I root for the players and coaches at this point. And just hope that pure luck will somehow get us to a super bowl again. It sure as hell won't be championship winning moves from the ownership.